Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jump First, Fear Later

(From 3/19/2010)
Jump First, Fear Later

Hi, My name is Sabrina and I'm here to share with you my experiences at McDonough related to running the Strategy World Cup.

I'll start with how I landed this role and then move to some back posts and then to current happenings.

So here we go...

This past summer I made two distinct and deliberate decisions about my MBA experience. These are both very relevant to what I'm doing now and all the posts that you're going to read.

If you're on your own personal journey of applying for or getting your MBA, these may be liberating thoughts to keep in mind.

1. Grades are just letters.

They are not reflective of all of the knowledge you learn and the insights you gain in business school. Learn what you can in all the ways that you can and be happy with your experiences and education.

2. Jump first, Fear later.

To borrow a line from one of my favorite charities, Invisible Children. Be bold, be brave, connect to the world around and beyond you, be a member of humanity.

So armed with these mottos, I dove into two things this fall that I didn't try in my former life (pre MBA).

I went to the University of Florida. In a school of that size, most of our classes were taught by graduate students. I had little interaction with my professors until I TAed my junior and senior years for Business Law. It wasn't until then that I realized that professors are great resources. They usually are perceived as vessels of dispensing information and listening to complaints, but they too are professional with experiences and interests. I wanted to change that perception so I applied to be the VP of Curriculum through Student Government.

Around the same time, our International Business Diplomacy Certificate applications were also due. I love the idea of doing international business. With family in the import/ export business it seems like a natural inclination for me, and I was excited to learn about it.

Did I get the positions?

You'll have to wait to the next post to find out!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

School posts

Over the last 10 months or so, I was blogging for school for the Admissions office. Since they want to make room for the M12s to blog, my blog was taken down. So I'm moving over my posts here and will continue to blog that way. SO the next several posts are back dated from my school blog! Cheers