Sunday, June 14, 2009


The University of Florida elicits some pretty strong reactions here in the A. It’s a very wide range from very enthusiastic support, obvious envy (HA) or downright hatred. I have to admit that it makes for really interesting public outings sometimes and other then around football season, I don’t write my UF shirts out too much because of it.

Ever had someone bark in your face while you’re walking down the street? Yea. Classy.

So now that the manager/ senior manager group knows about my departure and a few close friends. It has been interesting having conversations with people about my plans of attending Georgetown. Whenever they ask where I’m going and I tell them, I get some wide eyes and pregnant pauses. Generally words like "Wow", "Congratulations", or "That’s so exciting" follow.

Who knew?

I guess I just never realized the gravity of it and the aura the name invokes. It will take some getting used to. My overly analytical mind hopes that I won’t loose too much of who I am in this new chapter of my life as I try on this new association for size.

In the mean time, I think this is the part where I start to enjoy the fruits of my hard work for a little bit. After all, I am going to Georgetown. What a blessing it is!

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