Thursday, July 2, 2009

Last Day at EY

My last day at EY was much different than what I had expected. The last time I left a firm, I came in, turned in my stuff, and left. This time, I was really nervous- heart pounding nervous. I think its because I know that I'm leaving something that I've been doing for awhile and jumping into the unknown. I hadn't had any conscious reactions to this idea until yesterday.

It's not unusual to have the feeling that there isn't enough time to get everything done at work. There never is. But yesterday, as I was sending my final goodbye email, saving my performance reviews and getting ready to turn in my laptop, I felt like I was never going to get everything that I needed done. I didn't have enough time. Even with my exit checkout pushed back an hour, I felt anxious, nervous and rushed. But in this case, time was up for good. I made it out in 4 hours, a little longer than planned, but done nonetheless- closing out my time in Atlanta and in public accounting.

One last thing worth mentioning is the PCABO's review of Earthlink's 2008 audit file. Seeing CC in a tie with purple flowers minus is cowboy boots was quite a sight. But AF and my hard work on the audit was clear and concise. CC got 2 questions related to the IT portion of the audit- both related to the GAMx tool. That's right folks, my first clean audit with a passing grade from the PCAOB- no questions on procedures or documentation or strategy. That's got to be a record! EPICALLY AWESOME.

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