Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Public Serviced Annoucement Part Two

My resignation email to the management group didn't turn out to be a lamer version of the original. I'm not sure how it was received because stupidly, I sent it right before I went to turn in my laptop and forgot to set the reply to address to a different email. But I doubt that people respond to these emails anyways. I also stupidly cc-ed everyone instead of bcc. I suppose that could be one that you could send a message to those who outed you or you just plain don't like. (Only two fit into that category- at least that I can think of at the moment)

One thing that I do wish that I had done, that I didn't consider, is sending a message to all those who I worked with outside of my office. There were a few of them. Oh well. I can get a hold of those folks another way.

I should post my KPMG email in here sometime. That was was pretty fun to write too. Who know that I was so good at writing these good bye emails- or so I've been told. Hopefully it won't be a skill that I will be using often.
Hi Friends at the Manager, Senior Manager, Partner and Scheduling positions:

As all of you already know, the current mass TSRS senior exodus ends today with my and Eric D___'s departures. I'm glad to hear that none of you have become so panicked to go and set overturned couches or cars ablaze. We are not in Columbus, Ohio, where that would have occurred.

Now that you all have had a few weeks to recover/ get used to the gapping holes created by of all the departures, some more, eloquent thoughts for you:

My deepest and sincerest thanks to each of you who have offered a listening ear, friendly smile, or whimsical emoticon through the long hours and seemingly never-ending test procedures. Your leadership and support has undoubtedly been treasured. Thank you for marking my time in Atlanta with your great friendships and great professional lessons. I wish you all the best- where ever your journeys in this life take you and end. I have learned a lot from all of you. I may have introvert tendencies but do know that I have watched, listened and learned.

Today is my last day here at E&Y and this weekend also marks my departure from Atlanta.

My next adventure takes me to Georgetown this fall, where I will be pursuing my MBA. If you should find yourself in the DC Metro area in the future, please don’t be a stranger! We can join the legions of others who have shared stories of battle and triumph in the haunts of DC.
Please stay in touch! I can be reached at ______.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need to pick my brain about any of my clients. I’ll do my best to remember what I can to help the next senior/ staff if I have not yet replaced that client information with “What is a Hoya?” (Lamest joke ever- but I guess Georgetown isn't known for producing great comedians)


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